We are seeing that food manufacturers are having to handle an ever increasing number of recipes and new ingredients, driven by today's consumers who are seeking new and interesting tastes and flavours.
But how can manufacturers produce small batches to order, handle a wide product portfolio, minimise waste, all whilst accommodating ingredients that have an allergen risk or need to meet Kosher or Halal standards.
Time and again, the Matcon IBC systems have proven themselves to be ideally suited to these significant process and hygiene challenges thanks to: |
Many companies in these sectors have tried to 'decouple' their manufacturing processes by using some kind of container or big bag to break the chain between mixing and packing. But due to the dusty and sticky nature of the products, most have simply failed to make it work. | |
5 ways to improve flexibility and profits We have published a number of reports which share our experiences that we have gained from working with Food Ingredients companies around the world. If you would like to receive any of these reports then please sign up below: |
Sign up to find out 5 ways to improve flexibility & profits
Report 1: How to achieve more flexible manufacturing using parallel processing - explaining how decoupling the process steps enables the efficient handling of recipe changes. Report 2: Boost profits by mixing efficiently - using in bin blending to improve OEE rates as cleaning between recipe changes no longer necessary. Report 3: Powder packing systems for faster changeovers and agile manufacturing - review how small batch runs can be most efficiently packed. Report 4: Resolving and fixing powder handling issues - how to overcome the traditional powder handling problems of segregation, bridging, flushing and ratholing. Report 5: A fully integrated IBC Tracking and Recipe Controls solution - presenting the safest approach to ensuring that quality standards are met. |